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What are the benefits of remarketing?

Updated: May 5, 2023


Remarketing ads allow you to show ads to people who have previously engaged with your website but typically not converted. These ads can be run through Google Ads or social media accounts. You can target the traffic that has visited your website in the last 30 days (for example) or target email lists and show them your ads.

Remarketing ads can work really well if you have just finished a PPC campaign and can help to increase the results of the campaign. To see the full guide on PPC campaigns – click here.

Why use remarketing ads?

You might have been running some ads driving traffic to a particular page or you can see organically you have a certain amount of traffic going to a page and want to increase the conversions. By remarketing to the users that have visited a page you are giving them a reminder of what you offer and why they have visited your site.

Because this audience has already seen the page and knows about your offering, they already have knowledge and are warmer leads than other audience groups. This means they are more likely to convert and can give you a higher return on investment.

The most common way to collection remarketing information is via a pixel installed on your website collecting data on who visits. From here Google ads and social channels can automatically create the audiences you need.

Another way is via lists. If you have a list of contacts with their email addresses, you can upload them to the remarketing platform to create the ads. This option can be useful to provide additional information or assist conversions from your mailing list.

Options available

There are several different ways you can perform remarketing as part of your campaign. This can be done via social channels, display advertising or email for example. Let's delve into some of the common options in more detail.

Social media

Remarketing via social channels is a great way to reengage users as they endlessly scroll through their channels. Facebook can work really well for B2C audiences showing the users carousel ads of products from the category pages they have visited.

Setting up a remarketing ad in Facebook is very similar to a normal ad you just need to define your audience in the audience manager section. With the Facebook pixel installed on your website it can see who has visited your site or you can upload a list of contacts to target.

LinkedIn can be a great tool for B2B remarketing. An example of this is a user seeing your LinkedIn post promoting an article or eBook on your website. They click through to the site, download the eBook and consume your content. From here you might want to remarket to them promoting a free trial of your software or to get in touch to see how you can help them further.

Remarketing to your email audience

If you have a number of subscribers to your email marketing, you can remarket to them to remind them of the offering you provide or encourage conversions. For example, you might send out an email promoting a new product range to your list. From here you see a percentage of users click through from the email but don’t purchase.

This audience must have had some interest to of opened your email and click through to your website, so they have a certain level of engagement. From here you might decide to remarket to them via social media to remind them of the new product range you have launched.

Display advertising

The Google Display Network is a more subtle approach to remarketing. It allows you to show display ads to your audience as they leave your website and carry-on browsing. Display ads are a great way to keep your brand at the front of the user’s mind without being too pushy. They may catch a glimpse of your display ads and remember your brand as they carry on browsing online.

Display ads are visually appealing and can be a comforting break from the amount of content we consume online. The user has less to think about and with the right message and approach can guide them back to your website.

Remarketing steps


I would say the biggest benefit of remarketing ads is increased engagement and conversion. You are there to remind the user of your brand and offering through a multitude of channels. As we have discussed this can be done through text ads, social media, display advertising or email.

You will get better ROI through remarketing as these users have already interacted with your brand and are warmer leads. You will of typically provided them some sort of information via their first visit to your website so remarketing gives you a chance to follow up with that user and encourage them down a sales path.

Users have so much content to consume online with a limited amount of time. Many users find the first visit informative to your website, but they are maybe shopping around. Reminding them you are still here can be just the thing they are waiting for.

Getting started with your remarketing campaign...

When thinking about your next remarketing campaign try and break it down into the following sections:

  • What channel will you use for remarketing? Email, social media, Google ads or email.

  • How will you define the audience? Think of the pages and actions you want the users to of taken and the time period they should of last interacted with you.

  • What message and offering will you provide?

  • How will you optimise and measure your remarketing campaign?

The remarketing article completes are full serious of the PPC campaign guide. If you need help with any aspects of your PPC campaign, please get in touch to see how I can assist you.


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