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How to increase sales on Etsy

Updated: Dec 5, 2022


Etsy is an eCommerce site for all handmade, vintage and craft supplies. A brilliant platform that you can see individuals’ personalities, passions, hobbies and hard work just bursting out of! So, if you are one of these individuals take a look at some of the useful tips to enhance your store and increase sales on Etsy.

Adding new items

Etsy loves it when you add new items to your store and will give you that short term boost you need to start sales coming in. Although don’t expect the sales to come flooding in that day as the Etsy algorithm takes time to process new products so it could be a couple of weeks before you see this boost. Keep this I mind when you next add a new product and try not to be too impatient.

Adding new items can take time from thinking of new ideas to creating the product and listing it. With this in mind I understand its not realistic to constantly be adding new products but try to get into a routine of consistently adding new products. Whether this is once a month, once a quarter or to fit in with seasonal trends the choice is yours as long as those goals are set.

Product bundles

If you have a number of items on your store and some are related can you bundle these into groups? Grouping three products together for example and then offering a slight discount if all three are bought at the same time is a great upsell technique.

Consider looking at the postage you might save if you can post three items in one parcel and then offer the postage saving as the discount. This way you haven’t lost any money but the customer is happy they are making a saving.

Product bundles are a great upsell technique for any eCommerce channel.

Product views but no sales

From the stats area of your shop manager on Etsy you can see how many views you are getting for each product listed. If your product views are high but you are getting no sales you need to look at the content of your listing.

Click into the product from the stats area and you can see a list of search terms that brought people to your product. Try taking some of these keywords and searching Etsy to see the products listed. Does your product fit within these results? Are these search results relevant for your product?

If the answer is no its time to start optimising your listing and looking for the keywords that your customers will be using to search for your product.

Product listing

Take time to review your product listings and see how you can enhance the listing to grab people’s attention. Take plenty of photos of your product showing the shape, size and details. People will often buy from a photo so they need to clearly see what they are getting. Also ensure your photos are of a high quality so the image is sharp and clear.

Add a good description to explain your product, the story behind it and what the person will get from this product. Aim for at least 500 characters for your description and try breaking this up into short paragraphs so the information is easy to read.

Don’t forget to tag your products well. The more you tag the products the more views your will get and in turn the more sales. Go onto Etsy and research what tags would be relevant for your product. Click on tags and ensure your product would fit with the results of this tag.

Targeted campaigns

Within the shop manager if you go to marketing – sales and coupons – targeted campaigns. In here you can add a campaign to target those that have favourited one of your items but not bought it and people who have abandoned basket.

When one of these actions are made you can remind the person of the product by allowing Etsy to send them an email offering them a promotion. This promotion could be a percent off the item, fixed amount off the item or free standard delivery.

To do this click the new special offer icon on the sales and coupon screen, click setup offer and follow the options on the pop-up box.

Hopefully this has given you some useful guidance to optimise your store. If you would like help to increase your sales on Etsy or have any questions on the above please get in touch via the contact page.


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