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How Does Content Impact your Website's SEO?

writing content for website

SEO content refers to creating content that helps your web pages rank higher in search engines. This involves optimising content with the right keywords, structuring it in a way that is easy for both users and search engines to understand, and promoting it effectively to increase its visibility. It's all about having a clear plan and strategy. By focusing on SEO content, you can drive more organic traffic to your website, improve user engagement, and ultimately boost your site's performance. 


Keyword Research and Planning  

Before you start writing new content, it's essential to conduct keyword research and develop a clear plan for your keywords. Understanding not only what keywords to target but also why you are creating the content and who it is aimed for.  


This helps you identify keywords with significant search volume and relevance to your audience. By focusing on these keywords, you can create content that addresses topics people are already searching for, thereby increasing your chances of generating traffic. Having a clear purpose and audience in mind ensures your content is engaging and valuable, ultimately leading to better engagement and conversions. 


In the planning stage you want to consider your audiences intent to understand the right keywords and the tone of your keywords. There are four types of intent: 

1. Navigational intent - Users want to visit a specific website but use a search engine to find it. 

2. Informational intent - Users are looking for information or answers to specific questions. 

3. Commercial intent - Users are researching products or services they intend to purchase soon. 

4. Transactional intent - Users are ready to buy and are looking for the best way to do so. 


Keyword Optimisation  

Knowing where and how to use keywords in your content is crucial for maximising searchability. Use keywords strategically in titles, headings, meta descriptions, and throughout the body of your content. However, avoid keyword stuffing, as it can negatively impact your rankings. 


Conduct searches with your chosen keywords and look at the top results. See how the sites have used the keywords, the amount of content they have created and the topics they have covered. You need to be looking at how you can match this and then enhance it that step further to rank above them.  


Content Promotion 

Once you've created new content, increase its visibility by sharing it across social media, email marketing and building links to it from both internal and external sites. For example, if the blog talks about an issue one of your service pages cover then link to this. Effective promotion helps drive traffic and signals to search engines that your content is valuable. 


SEO Content Strategy 

 If you’ve been producing content haphazardly, it's time to adopt a more methodical approach. Here's a few tips on how to create a robust SEO content strategy: 

  • Define your goals - Know what you want to achieve with your content, whether it's increased traffic, higher engagement, or more conversions. 

  • Consider your audience - Understand who your audience is and what they are looking for. 

  • Create an editorial calendar - Plan your content in advance to ensure consistency and relevance. 

  • Analyse and re-assess your content - Regularly review your content's performance and make necessary adjustments. 


Optimising Existing Content  

Optimising the content you already have on your site is crucial for maintaining and improving your SEO performance. Duplicate content can confuse search engines and dilute your SEO efforts, so it's essential to use canonicalization to ensure all instances of similar content link to a single URL. This helps consolidate your SEO value and improves your chances of ranking higher. 


Regularly review your content and decide whether to update, redirect, or merge outdated articles. If content is no longer relevant, remove it. However, make sure to redirect any valuable links to relevant pages to retain their SEO value. Additionally, ensure that orphaned content—articles not linked from other content on your site—are linked from other relevant articles. This signals their importance to search engines and makes them easier for users to find. 


If you have multiple articles covering similar topics, they might compete against each other in search engine rankings, a situation known as content cannibalization. Regularly audit your content to consolidate or differentiate articles to avoid this issue. By taking these steps to optimise your existing content, you can enhance your site's SEO performance and ensure your content continues to drive traffic and engagement. 


Conclusion on Content SEO 

Content SEO is a vital part of your overall SEO strategy. It involves every aspect of writing and structuring content on your website. High-quality, well-optimised content is essential for attracting and retaining visitors. By focusing on the right keywords and structuring your content properly, you can ensure that search engines understand and value your site. While it's a lot of work, investing in content SEO will pay off in the long run. Remember, content is king, and great SEO content is the foundation of a successful website. 

Read the full guide on Building a rebost SEO Strategy to learn more about SEO, technical SEO and link building.


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