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5 benefits to outsourcing your marketing strategy

Updated: Dec 23, 2022

Outsource marketing strategy

A marketing strategy refers to the company’s overall business objectives and aims. Looking to translate this into suitable marketing campaigns to engage and convert customers. The strategy looks at the marketing mix, identifies the target audience and market, defines marketing initiatives and conducts market analysis.

There are many reasons to outsource your marketing strategy but the initial thought for doing this normally involve a lack of time or resource. Freelance marketers and agencies can provide professional and knowledgeable support for all types and sizes of companies.

You also don’t need to outsource all of your marketing activities if you don’t want. It could just be by campaign or for the development of your strategy. This giving you an independent and fresh look on things without making that long term commitment. Lets delve into some of the reasons to outsource and why this would be helpful.

Fresh ideas and independent opinion

Outsourcing your marketing strategy will give you an independent view on your business and what is required to achieve your goals. Working so closely to the detail we can often get stuck in the thought of ‘this is the way we have always worked’ and unable to see the full external factors.

An external marketing strategist will fully evaluate your marketing activities and align these to your business goals. They will have methods on how to conduct research, competitive approaches and be able to review all environments. Doing this work internally we may unconsciously think too much of the past and not look outside the box enough.

A marketing freelancer will have fresh ideas and concepts they have tried with other clients that could benefit your business. This brings an innovative and creative approach to the work.


Time has to be one of the biggest factors to outsourcing your marketing. Marketing teams are often small or run by others in the business trying to wear multiple hats, so creating a strategy is something they do not have time for!

Outsourcing the creation of the marketing strategy and an implementation plan means you can carry on with the day to day whilst someone else goes through that research, creativity planning and strategy creation. Presenting you with their findings and an organised plan to deliver this work.


Recruiting for marketing roles can be tricky. You want someone with the expertise to manage the day to day activities and channels but also be strategic in their approach. Not everyone can do everything and finding good talent can be hard.

Overloading existing marketing staff can also create a negative experience for them and result in them being unsatisfied in their role. Putting on too much pressure to run the day-to-day activities and develop a strategy can result in people leaving.

Taking someone new on full time, permanently may also not be needed and an expense the business can’t afford or doesn’t want to risk taking on. A marketing strategy with a clear action plan can be a one off project performed on an annual basis. A freelancer may work with you for a set period of time and under a defined budget. This reducing the financial risk whilst delivering the marketing activities.

Accelerate growth

Bringing in an extra pair of hands to your marketing teams can help you to turn things around quicker and accelerate growth. A freelance marketer is able to hit the ground running and has the skills and experience to help you move your marketing forward. This helps to create the marketing strategy and get your first campaign live much quicker.

Recruiting for additional marketing staff takes time to find, recruit and embed into the existing team. In the long term you may need the resource but whilst that recruitment is going ahead a freelance marketer can ensure your marketing does not stand still.

Get ahead of the competition

The only constant is change and your competition is always changing. Your existing competitors will change the way they work, new technologies will emerge and new competitors will enter the market. All of this means you need to be able to react quickly and stay ahead.

To stay ahead of the curve outsourcing your marketing can help to have enough resource internally to react to competition. A freelancer can supplement knowledge of the marketing industry and trends which can provide your team with ideas to stay on top.


It can be a difficult decision to outsource but the benefits are certainly there. Outsourcing your marketing strategy can provide additional short-term resource, expert knowledge, a competitive advantage and help job satisfaction for your existing team.

If you would like to discuss the possibilities of outsourcing your marketing strategy and discuss how this could work please get in touch today. We can setup a free consultation to discuss your requirements and see if this would be a good fit.

Or if you want to read more about marketing strategy take a look at our full guide - read more.


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