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2023 Digital Marketing Trends

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

2023 digital trends

Google believes 2023 will be a year to sharpen our focus and with the challenges predicted through economic uncertainty this sounds about right! Marketing cannot be paused due to these uncertainties but instead be strategic in its approach to stay ahead of the competition and survive.

Blended approach between offline and online

Online shopping saw a huge increase due to COVID however now we are living in the new norm and back out in the shops, it’s looking at how to combine that online and offline experience. Customers are looking for a blended approach between eCommerce and physical stores.

This can be done through things like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) creating an immersive experience. Simply put AR allows you to place virtual objects in the real world. This can be done two ways, the first being at home and seeing the physical product through AR as if it was a real product. Secondly creating an experience using AR as you are moving around the shop for customers to interact with.

Customer experience

Most algorithms have an element to look at customer satisfaction whether that be how much engagement you are getting or the time spent on a page. Customer experience should be prioritised and look at the whole experience from that first view through to purchase.

Social media is becoming known as a service tool and will assist with that customer experience. People are quick to jump to social media to ask questions and find support and information. Now is the time to consider how your social media channels and messages are managed and if you have enough support.

Customers are also looking for more conversational marketing and to experience the brand. Scripts need to become guides instead of reading every word and the customer needs to be listened to and the service adapted to them. Not only does this cover online but also offline so the customer has an experience and is left with a memory of their visit.

Priority of social responsibilities

Priority should be given to your corporate social responsibilities when looking at new year plans. Not only will this increase perception of your brand but help to improve staff morale and create a better working environment.

Your social responsibilities should include three key areas – DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion), CSR (corporate social responsibilities) and ESG (environmental, social and governance). When thinking of what you will stand for and how you will prioritise these in the new year ensure the action is authentic with your brand and you deliver consistently.

There has been a lot of talk this year on greenwashing where companies will put a marketing spin on the actions, they are taking to be environmentally friendly when ultimately their aim is to promote a service or product. Ensure you have the right intention with your ESG actions as consumers are hot on this topic.

Aligning marketing and sales

As the economy is so uncertain 2023 will be time to look at how we can optimise our practices and get the most from the investment we make. Reviewing the relationship between marketing and sales is a great way to reduce any waste and optimise the experience and service provided.

Strategic approach

As we mentioned at the beginning our marketing efforts need to be sharpened and we need to take a strategic approach. It could be another tough year ahead and this can easily result in marketing budgets being cut.

A clear marketing strategy will help this by creating structure and clarity around the tasks you are undertaking. A strategic approach will help bring focus, be data driven and work towards the business goals. See how I can help with your marketing strategy.

Influencer marketing

2022 saw a big rise in influencer marketing and 2023 shows no sign of slowing down. Businesses need to be careful though when picking the right influencer to work with and ensure they are relevant to the brand and offering.

When selecting an influencer to work with don’t just look at their following. The person needs to be a natural fit for your brand and work as an extension to your offering. Look at the influencers followers and check the demographics and engagement they have through comments.

Increased use of social media for search

Last year I spoke about Amazon being the main platform for product searches and overtaking Google. This year we are looking at general searches and it seems for Gen Z social media is the new search platform.

More people are turning to social media platforms to search for ideas, products and tips instead of scrolling through a text heavy Google results page. Gen Z are using social media to evaluate brands looking at price, comparing products and offering.

At this stage I most certainly wouldn’t be forgetting about my websites rankings in search engines and jumping onto social media, but it is a consideration for social media strategies. Take time to look at the content you are posting and how informative this is.


2023 could be a challenging and testing year for marketers. There is plenty of opportunity out there, but actions need to be strategic and well thought out to ensure success and fit within budgets.

When considering the new year and plans you want to make ensure you always look back first and learn from the lessons through analysis of data and actions. Align your activities with the business objectives – we might have discussed lots of exciting new trends but that doesn’t mean they will all meet your business needs. Finally build out your strategy and evaluate this against resource and budget to plan for the new year.

If you want to discuss your future marketing strategy or campaigns or you are looking for an extra pair of hands to assist then get in touch today to see how I can help.


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